聚焦论坛 | 中国留学人才发展基金会以论坛为媒 邀请“一带一路”国际青年畅谈中国科技创新发展









山东大学材料科学与工程学院博士后研究助理Ashfaq Muhammad Zeeshan(泽山)发言

山东大学材料科学与工程学院博士后研究助理Ashfaq Muhammad Zeeshan(泽山)表达了想留在中国发展的强烈意愿。他表示,as far as talking about China, what I have seen in the past decade is that Chinese students and teachers had a lack of communication before I came to China. But when I was introduced to WeChat and other social platforms and got to know Chinese people, there was so much support, and so much to learn. If I didn’t understand or if a foreigner didn’t understand, they tried to communicate as much as possible. Somehow, as you've mentioned, the translation feature of WeChat has facilitated a lot of communication between overseas students and Chinese students.

When we’re not inChina and look at the Chinese presence outside China, like in my country, Pakistan, the Chinese have had a significant impact on the people in Pakistan. Before, there were a lot of illiterate people. But since China has developed their BRI project in Pakistan, the energy sector, farming sector, and agriculture have all been developing from the grassroots level. Every person is trying to learn and interact with the local Chinese engineers and workers who are working on the ground. They think that what the Chinese are doing is very advanced. They have learned something different in agriculture, like drone agriculture.

And if we go to the energy sector, although we are lackingof the energy in Pakistan, but what the Chinese have developed is almost 12,000 megawatt projects in Pakistan. With the help of this Chinese influence and advancement, the locals are also learning about social development, how to improve, how to enhance, and how to get maximum output from manpower. That's how I think the social advancement inside China is impacting the locals outside China, like in my own country. That's how I see it.

In terms of what I have learned in my major,when I first came to my professor, I was learning about basic engineering, which was not available back in my country, Pakistan. I came to China for my master's degree, and it was a completely different experience. For example, when you go to catch a bus, take the high-speed train, the subway, or a taxi, everything is accessible through your mobile phone, with just a single click. When I first arrived here, I was so scared. I didn't know what this was? What is China like? But after one month, as I began to learn, I realized it was so simple and good.

When I started learning from my professor, she couldn't speak English very well, but she tried her best to support me. Within one year, I successfully completed my studies and graduated on time. Now, she has a good collaboration and interaction with me, and she encourages me to take my major to other countries, not just Pakistan, to introduce this knowledge to people in other nations. So that maximum people can come to China and interact and make output, and we can have a better healthy life like in China. We can produce this life in other countries. In that way, more people can come to China to learn, interact, and contribute, and we can bring this kind of healthy and productive life to other countries as well.

A simple comparisonI would like to make here is: if any one of you visit the US, which we used to call the superpower. The US is still using a train system from the 19th century. But I traveled more than 500 kilometers in just one and a half hours yesterday. This is the advancement of technology in China. If you are in a city in China, within hours you can travel thousands of kilometers to another city. If you want to travel, if you want to do some mechanical work, some medical work, some electrical work, or any kind of work in China, it's straightforward. There is 5G. You can transfer data, use medical advancements, modern farming techniques, everything is more advanced than in other countries.

What I think China is currently is a superficial country. If a foreigner moves here, they will see that China is not what it seems, and they will be shocked by what they witness, like I am, as if it's not the real world. However, China is facing problems, solving them, and implementing solutions for the ordinary people, the common citizens, so that they can apply these solutions in their lives and make their lives better. China being a superpower is something I've declared to my friends, something I tell my friends, 来自德国、法国和美国的朋友, I tell them that China has a population of more than 1.5 billion people, and that providing housing, ambulances, and fire brigades at people's doorsteps is just one of the factors that make China the most powerful country in the world compared to the rest.

With regard to Pakistan, what I have seen in previous years is that numerous students have come here to China. They learned about AI, and they learned about engineering. They applied their skills in the industry and acquired additional industrial skills. And when they went back, their priority was to get a job with BRI projects.

What they have learned during their education in China is applied when they return to Pakistan, where they work alongside Chinese engineers. They feel comfortable applying their skills, and it's a win-win situation for both China and Pakistan. Chinese engineers working on BRI projects benefit from the experience and skills that foreign students bring, particularly their knowledge of new technologies and advancements in the era of AI. This allows them to implement innovative ideas, creating a win-win opportunity for both sides. They collaborate with Chinese engineers and workers, and together, they bring their ideas to life, resulting in a mutually beneficial outcome. That's why I see the BRI projects as mutually beneficial for both Pakistan and China, and I believe they will continue to prosper in the future.

无限咨询机构(infinite education consultancy)创始人、全球青年艺术家共同体基金会驻马来西亚负责人、马来西亚产学研人才孵化中心负责人Cyndy Lee(LEE PUI WEN)发言

无限咨询机构(infinite education consultancy)创始人、全球青年艺术家共同体基金会驻马来西亚负责人、马来西亚产学研人才孵化中心负责人Cyndy Lee(LEE PUI WEN)指出,微信发展10多年来,逐渐成为人们社交、工作中使用最频繁的手机软件,除了翻译之外,人们可以通过微信寻找工作和合作伙伴、签订合同。微信带给人们的帮助体现在生活的方方面面。作为翻译专业的博士生,我对AI翻译的迅速发展深有感触。我曾尝试使用百度上一些普通的翻译软件翻译成语,翻译内容不大准确,但是使用AI翻译技术,能够准确了解一个成语的意思并了解到它出自哪个朝代。这充分体现了创新技术让社会加速进步发展。各国青年已经通过新闻了解到中国是一个科技大国。中国和俄罗斯可以通过开展科技项目进行合作,例如通过设立院校之间的交流项目为两国青年合作创造机会。

复旦大学新闻学院副教授、博士后Genen Eleonora(艾清)发言

复旦大学新闻学院副教授、博士后Genen Eleonora(艾清)表示,科技创新在改善民生、促进经济增长等多个方面对社会发展产生了巨大影响。例如在全球化背景下,手机和互联网在人们的生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色。与中国相较,俄罗斯目前还未推广使用支付宝和微信等让人们生活更加便利的软件技术。中国的人工智能、高铁、机器人、无人机等技术为其他国家科技发展提供了参考借鉴。中国在科技创新的多个领域取得了辉煌成就,在国际舞台上也占据了科技创新的主导地位。中国科技创新在改善民生、推动可持续发展、增加国际合作等方面为“一带一路”沿线国家带来了许多好处。例如,俄罗斯与中国在汽车领域进行了多维度的深入合作,越来越多中国生产的新能源汽车出现在俄罗斯的街头,这充分展示了中国科技发展的迅速。

多哥共和国—北京特卓贸易咨询有限公司CEO Tozo Kokou Wotodjo(特卓)发言

多哥共和国—北京特卓贸易咨询有限公司CEO Tozo Kokou Wotodjo(特卓)表示,以我为例,我需要参加各种各样的会议,因此需要我的助理记录大量会议内容,但是在各类机器人发明之后,我只需要使用机器人记录并筛选出会议的重要内容,同时它还能为我安排行程,不仅功能全面并且方便快捷。这充分展现出人工智能的飞速发展为我们的生活带来了诸多便利。中国已然发展成为一个科技创新大国。例如,许多欧洲国家仍在使用信用卡,但是中国已经实现二维码支付甚至刷脸支付,并且将其发展成为大家日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。结合工作而言,我正在参与推进部分院校合作项目,把中国的AI、大数据、运输物流等专业以设立学院的方式引入马来西亚,同时鼓励中国学生到马来西亚学习农业、石油和金融等专业知识,这种合作模式将促进两国青年加强交流,为推动两国发展注入新的动能。

乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使馆职员、北京语言大学博士Ismailova Dildora(阿凤)发言

乌兹别克斯坦驻华大使馆职员、北京语言大学博士Ismailova Dildora(阿凤)表示,科技创新带来的影响体现在人们生活的方方面面。从媒体行业角度来说,部分媒体所发布的新闻都是通过AI技术形成,而非记者撰写,让记者能够从繁忙的写作工作中解放出来。现在,大部分国家都在学习借鉴中国的发展经验,乌兹别克斯坦也在农业、脱贫、新能源发展和医疗等方面学习中国经验。中国的迅速发展对人才要求较高,但是也给人才施展抱负提供了广阔的平台。